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How stress and sexual health are co-related?
Life style disorders are the call of the hour and one of the major contributors of this situation is ‘stress’. We have evolved for the better, with sky high technology, readily available food, gadgets for multi-tasking and easy living, education, healthcare but with all the evolution, we have brushed our way with the harshest foe that is ‘stress’.
Now, what exactly is stress?
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. In another word, it is the way through which individuals react to different situations. Stress has a multi-faceted effect on the human body and it disturbs the normal rhythm or functioning.
Apart from other impacts, the serious effect it has on young adults these days is on their sexual health.
How stress and sexual health are co-related?
When you are stressed, your body goes through a sequence of changes that prompts you to either fight or flight from the situation. This situation is called ‘stress’ and when the body is stressed, stress hormones like ‘cortisol’ are released. This results in higher breathing rate, fear, sweating, palpitation for the time being and loss of libido, sleeplessness, tiredness in the long run.
Stress affects the sexual functionality in human beings via both psychological and physiological mechanisms. The physiological consequence results in more release of hormone- cortisol, which when stressed is released in such a huge quantity that the libido hits the bottom line. The psychological factors affect the person having a cluttered mind all the time, irritated, mood swing and not being in the moment of love making. So, yes stress and sexual health are co related. Now, as men and women, since we differ in some ways in our bodily functions, the effect is a bit different.
How does it affect men?
Stress affects females and males in different ways. In men the issues that are seen are -
How does stress affect females?
Stress in females has different types of effect in the body. They are -
So, when you face any of the discussed issues, it is better to consult a health care expert to bring a change in your life and enjoy a happy and balanced life.