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Maintaining optimal sexual hygiene - Risks of poor hygiene

Maintaining optimal sexual hygiene - Risks of poor hygiene

  • 13 November, 2024
  • sehatUP .

This is 2024. We are 24 years ahead of the millenium. But a big sigh !! You must be thinking why ? The irony being that-we have been able to revive our livelihood, escalate our regular lifestyles from middle class to rich but still discussions on sex, intimacy and topics associated with it have remained off limits till today.

Nevertheless, for a healthy living and betterment of overall societal health we will delve deep into the topic of sexual hygiene.

What is sexual hygiene?          

We have heard and we openly discuss about physical hygiene, physical cleanliness and well being, but hardly we discuss about sexual hygiene and constantly overlook it thinking it to be a matter of shame. But without wasting much time, let's explain what sexual hygiene is all about.

 Sexual hygiene refers to the intimate hygiene that comes under consideration before, after or during any kind of sexual activity. It also means practices and habits individuals maintain to achieve optimal sexual health. Sexual health depends a lot on personal hygiene and couples should lay utmost importance on the same.

Benefits of maintaining hygiene

We must take into account that sexual hygiene does not only keep you safe but it has loads of other benefits. Let’s have a closer look at them.


  • It helps maintain a good emotional bond between partners
  • Keeping both the partners physically safe.
  • Keeping sexually transmitted diseases at bay.
  • Minimizing risk and maximizing pleasure
  • Staying healthy, smelling fresh and nice works as an attraction tool between couples.

 Knowing the benefits of sexual hygiene is not enough. Maintaining and achieving optimal sexual health is very important.

Here, we are suggesting a few tips for both men and women to achieve optimal health.

Hygiene for him

  1.   Keep it clean- When we say keep it clean, we mean gently cleaning the area and not scrubbing the area harshly, so as to hurt oneself.
  2.   Maintain a right clean up schedule- Doctors always suggest the right and appropriate clean up schedule for the men's genitals. Trimming the pubic hair, changing the under garments are a few suggestions.
  3. Regular check -up with doctor- Doctors suggest a regular check up so as to check if their sexual hygiene is proper and well maintained.

Hygiene for her

  1. Keeping a basic clean up routine - Maintaining a basic clean up schedule is a must for girls too. Like trimming or removing pubic hair, usage of lubes before intimacy, using intimate wash are few key pointers.
  2. Changing sanitary napkins after 3-4 hours - During periods, it is always advisable to have the pads or anything in usage to change within 3-4 hours to maintain proper hygiene.
  3. Wearing the right undergarment - Choosing and wearing the right kind of undergarment is very much essential to maintain good sexual hygiene for girls. Right undergarment helps proper blood circulation and helps the area remain clean and dry.

Hygiene tips for both

 Experts are of the opinion that few tips can be followed to ensure good hygiene for both partners.

  1. Not to go for oral sex after going for anal sex
  2. Controlling bad breath and having a clean oral hygiene
  3. Taking shower everyday and keeping oneself clean

 Thus since sex is not an individual thing, keeping your hygiene proper needs a joint effort by both the partners thus making the entire process pleasurable and at the same time safe and healthy.

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